Reverse engineering is starting from your solution and working backwards in order to understand how you achieved it. We often think forward in terms of what we want our lives to look like. But what about stepping into your future self’s shoes and understanding how you got there? It sounds complicated, but the simplicity will surprise you and leave you feeling a profound sense of clarity and joy. Ready my story, how this idea came to be, and how you, too can reverse engineer your own dream life.
Read MoreWe are often striving for clarity in all areas of our lives. But are we chasing a ghost? Is clarity an illusion? Are we putting unnecessary pressure on ourselves? Can we realistically release it? I discuss some of my philosophical ideas around clarity, goals, self-discovery, being present and much more. Dive into my thoughts and share yours!
Read MoreWomen are strong. Women are passionate. So many women in this world live every day with great enthusiasm…with gusto! The Women With Gusto Series is dedicated to inspiring women through the stories of female entrepreneurs and badasses who are living life with purpose and passion. Today, Maryam Behrouzi of Spela Cosmetics shares her story of creative outlets, cosmetic innovation, and ethical business! Her story is inspiring and her personal positivity is contagious! To all the women living with great enthusiasm…or working to do so!
Read MoreChange is difficult. As a sentimental person like me, it is even more so. But change is a part of life…and one full of opportunity and excitement! Learning to accept change with grace is a process but finding the right perspectives and actions can help with closure, peace, and happiness in the process. As I go through a period of change myself, I wanted to share some tips to help you find ease in it with me. Try these 6 strategies to preserve the memories, embrace the change, and feel much happier along the way.
Read MoreThough sometimes it feels like negativity easily takes over your life, this is not our natural human state of being. Our brains WANT to be happy. In fact, they ARE naturally very happy. Why then, are do so many of us struggle to remain positive and find happiness on a daily basis? There are many factors in our life which cause anxiety, stress, worry, frustration and a whole host of other negative emotions. But what happens if we remove these negative contributors from our lives? We are left in our default, or instinctive state of happiness and bliss. Learn 5 ways to find your own natural happy state from some of the world’s happiest countries and how to remove the bad so you are only left with the good…and so you can experience joy regularly, rather than rarely.
Read MoreSometimes, life itself is hard…let alone finding purpose, joy, and great enthusiasm in each day. Learn 5 ways to ignite your passion and fuel your fire despite the confusing game of trial and error that life seems to be at times! Empower your purpose and find your joy, one step at a time.
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