Posts in Alignment
7 Essential Terms to Understand When Building an Intentional Life

Intentional living is all about living life like you mean it! These 7 essential terms are the building blocks needed in order to start building your own intentional life!

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Free-spirit or Achiever: How I Discovered and Learned to Balance ALL My Best Identities

Is your internal free-spirit or internal achiever in control? How do you balance these identities? What value is there in doing so? Bridgette (my achiever) is by far in the driver’s seat for me. Hear my personal story of self-discovery, learn about your conflicting internal identities, why naming them can help you discover yourself, and how to find a beautiful balance in ALL your best identities.

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Go With Your Gut: Learning to Listen to Your Wisdom and Trust Your Truth (6 Strategies)

Making big decisions can be SO difficult. Sometimes, it feels like a choice between fear and comfort, between known and unknown. By learning how to listen to your wisdom, trust your truth, and go with your gut, you can be more confident in your decision making and live a life of purpose and passion with great enthusiasm. Here are 6 tips and strategies for learning more.

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10 Tips to Stay Inspired in Work and Life

Ever feel less than excited to get started with you day or your project? That's okay! It's natural to need a little boost of inspiration now and are 10 tips to help you stay inspired and get back on track to your happiest and most productive life. 

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Finding Flow: How to Welcome a Joyful Balance Between Chaos and Control

Flow. This word is everywhere lately. The beauty of the concept of flow is that it is different for everyone. Flow is all about feeling contentment and joy in everything you do...and how you do it! Learn about my Flow Spectrum concept as well as TONS of helpful how-to tips to guide you to your own glorious flow.

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